Pls thoroughly check these sites for content before making any requests for new content or posting reups. Most of these are already available or will be updated soon in the sites mentioned below And finally, if u just missed the upload, no worries. Hope u guys enjoy it and do be on the lookout for the comics above and the bloated bandit 3 comic from the previous thread. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRreldsTTFNR0lvUWtsSExUVXAoQVNDSUkpUXprd1RGYzVVVlo2VVhsYU1FNVJVMFZ6UFE9PQ= Given below is the updated collection of seriojainc and expansion fan comics (which is essentially the same as the one in the last thread due to the content famine caused by aforementioned site above) so far. Also as mentioned b4 in the past few threads, do avoid the site mentioned below like the plague (unless u r planning to rip them off) Use the links that are commonly used for posts in other threads and not banned by this chan's global rules. This time around pls don't waste posts just to upload a comic already available in the links mentioned below.
New thread as the old one just saged (much earlier than expected).